
Section Game Night

Our section game night was tonight. I brought my Scrabble game. ABS set up a poker tournament. Since I don't know anything about poker, I (wisely) decided to stick with the game I know. (S tried to teach me last night, to no avail.) Our crim law professor came and played scrabble with us for a while. We had four teams. JM, the girl in my study group, played on a team with me. JR and MB were on the same team; JE and PG were on the same team, and Prof. M and AD were on the same team. JM and I kept on grabbing shitty, shitty letters, sometimes all vowels. We came in third. Prof M. and AD's team came in second, and the grand winner was JR and MB. Grrrrr...

Then played speed chess with S. In spite of his gross mistakes in the beginning (including losing his queen AND one rook to me within the first 15 moves of the game), time got me in the end. I never claimed to be a good chess player (and J, you know this!).

In case my life sounds like nothing but fun and games to you, this evening I also buckled down after coming home and read 40 pages of torts. Well, okay, that really wasn't that hard since the subject matter -- product liability -- is very interesting. Also, Wednesdays are always a bitch, since there are three back-to-back classes today. Torts was pretty interesting; crim law was unbearably boring; and in civ pro we had a mock trial relitigating Asahi, where my very colorful and flamingly gay friend L argued for the original plaintiff. A good time was had by all.

Back to reading... (see? I'm a good girl...)

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