
Opera Night

Another Friday... Time is passing very quickly these days. This weekend is going to be a busy one, because another memo is due next Monday. So will probably spend most of this weekend revising and bluebooking.

This afternoon after class, I went to my friend D's house for our weekly Scrabble game. D's mother-in-law is also in town and came in the middle of the game with D's wife L. L looks very god, basically the same as she looked 7 years ago, which is pretty amazing. I lost the scrabble game by 17 points. :( We are scheduling a rematch and tiebreaker next Friday.

After that I walked to meet R and L from my section to go to the opera together in downtown B-town. We first had dinner at a great Vietnamese restaurant in Chinatown, and talked tons and tons of section gossip, then went to the opera, which was AMAZING! I never listened to operas that much before (except for many Wagner operas when I lived in Berlin) but this reminded me of how fun it is. Opera is so over the top -- big costumes; elaborate sets (although our set is kind of modern and sparse); great music... The main character, a soprano tonight was very very good, and certain scenes really brought tears to my eyes.

So, note to self: watch operas more often!!

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