
Phew... Still Alive

This week was hellish. H-E-L-L-I-S-H, I tell you! I had about a gazilion projects to finish, several writing and research assignments, 40 citations (which equals roughly 40 hours of work, and no, (sadly), I'm not exaggerating at all), tons and tons of reading, and a bunch of obligations that I had to perform for my former company. Well, I can't believe that I survived. I have averaged between 4-5 hours of sleep per day, and drank tons and tons of coffee (to the point where I am jittery and anxious).

Thankfully, this busy period is drawing to a close temporarily, so I'll be back on my normal schedule of "just" reading for class and writing the occasional memo. Yay.

Don't want to mislead you, however, into thinking that the honeymoon with the law school is over. Law school is still great. I'm still enjoying all my classes. This is part of the reason why this past week has been so crazy. Many of my classmates would probably just have skipped classes to save time. But since classes are the highlights of my day, I simply refused to do that.

However, the honeymoon with law school is definitely over for SOME people in my section. Fewer and fewer peopel come to our early torts class, and some people skip classes for days. Also, my friend J tells me that some people are beginning to crack under the pressure (pressure?!? WHAT pressure?). Some people, for instance, feel afraid to speak up during class because they feel that other people judge them and will look down upon them if their comments are stupid. I felt genuinely surprised when J told me this. I thought that our section has a relatively good atmosphere, and if anything, I certainly couldn't care LESS what people think of me. My self image is not built on whether other people consider me intelligent. If anything, I'm probably considered to be a ditz by quite a few people in my class, and I rather like it. :D It's better than the image of an old spinster.

Anyway, I shouldl really go to sleep now. Something I haven't done... in a while...

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