
Momentous Day

Today was possibly the most momentous day I have had in my law school career. No, I did not ace or fail an exam or did an important piece of legal scholarship. Nor did I have an epiphany about what I want to do with my legal degree or decide what elective I want to take next semester, although I have been actively thinking of such questions.

Instead, I went out with some friends and pierced my ears.

Yes, you see, I have spent 26 years on this earth as a normal, heterosexual female without having had any body piercing whatsoever. In high school, when other girls came to school with dangling earrings, I could only look on in envy. (I had other fashion problems back then, but enough about that.) So, my body was piercing virgin territory. My parents were strict (esp. my mom, who detested anything feminine and non-unisexual.) So my ear lobes remained whole and unpierced.

In college and beyond, I had considerable freedom, but squeamishness took over. Even though I entertained the idea of getting some piercings now and then, I never went through with it because I... am... afraid... of... pain...

But law school has cured me of all that. Ha! I feel invincible after several chapters of civ pro reading!! If I survived many classes harping endlessly on the Fourth Amendment, I could survive ANYTHING! Nothing can stop me! I want to wear those sparkling chandelier earrings NOW!

As it turns out, I won't be able to wear them for another six weeks. Instead, I have gotten these discrete flower-shaped duds on my ears at the moment. They look very cute, but I won't be able to take them off for another forty-one days. Plenty of time to pick out some sexy earrings.

And that is what I did today. (And dim sun with J and her husband and AC and a lot of shocking sex talk coming from AC and shopping afterwards at H&M together and buying cute earmuffs, but how can I talk about that when I have pierced ears?!?!?).

1 comment:

Princess Buttercup said...

It's actually not as bad as I thought, once the terror of the click is over. Plus, so much fun shopping for earrings! :D