
Past Two Days

Last two days have been fun... Last night, we had the section happy hour after class at a bar near my apartment. Then A, S, D, and R came to my apartment to watch the Apprentice. it was the first time anyone has been to my apartment, and they seemed to like it. J and her husband were going to come too, but at the last minute they flaked out. So it was just me and the guys.

S was a little drunk and was very loud. I was a bit afraid that he was going to annoy the neighbors. I have never really seen S like this, since usually he's shy and quiet. Well, this was interesting, and thankfully the neighbors did not call the police.

Tonight... I was going to go out for drinks with A, S, and some others, but at the last minute the plan petered out and instead I was in the campus cafe for a bit, reading for the civ pro assignment that I was supposed to have done by today's class. We are reading some intersting stuff on personal jurisdiction -- very complicated doctrinally and even though I read about all this over the summer I'm still struggling to keep up with the discussions in class. Then came home. Drank some wine. Around 8 S wrote and asked whether I wanted to grab a sandwich. We met at a little deli and talked for a while.

Came home and had more wine. Tried to read civ pro but couldn't really focus. Instead played many, many games of literati.

Should go to sleep now. I made plans to go shopping with this girl N in my section tomorrow morning, so it will be an early start for me! :)

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