
Vacation from Vacation

Traveling is always exhausting, whether it's for relaxing purposes or not. Yesterday Boyfriend and I basically slept for the whole day and were both practically useless. Today, I still felt sleepy and exhausted.

After work, Boyfriend and I drove to a nearby town and had Chinese food, then walked on a nearby beach. Not as nice and smooth as Maine, but not bad for Connecticut.

Came back and thanks to C, my GameCube got here! Immediately popped in Resident Evil 4 and watched the beginning movie. The game was brutally scary, and about 30 seconds into it I wanted to save my progress and quit. Then spent the next hour or so trying to figure out how to save the freakin' game. Yes, I'm not a professional gamer.

Need to travel again to NJ this Wednesday for work, and possibly come back on Saturday. Will be staying home part of the time.

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