
What I Want(ed) Is What I Get...

Well, I wanted tax, at least a few days ago...

And, I got tax.

The story is actually longer than that, however. In the meanwhile, I've looked into a number of other courses and revised my choice, (too complicated and not worthwhile to recount here) so tax actually ended up being my fourth choice and not my first choice. But, it looks like it didn't matter. I was going to get tax anyway.

I was a little disappointed, but will get over it soon. I guess I'll take "local government law" another time.

S and IH are in my class, the only ones in my section to share this very very special TAX experience with me...

Okay, need to go back to working now. I have cover letters to write, resumes to update, outlines to create, and tons and tons of civ pro reading to finish!

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