
The Past Three Days

Had a crazy couple of days (in a very good way). Sadly, did not get any work done.

On Thursday, after class I read in the library with J for a while, then went to meet AC, G (this gay guy from our section who is AC's best friend), S, and ABS for dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant that has become my obsession.

After that, S and I went to a firm reception for 1Ls at a Mexican restaurant, where we were provided with lots and lots of free alcohol and food, which made me regret eating before that.

The firm, C & P, is a moderately large firm with offices in NYC, DC, LA, and Houston, and a bunch of European countries. I have never heard of them before, but Boyfriend said that he has.

A lot of 1Ls from our section is there, like A and SW (this girl in our section who is famous for partying and getting drunk), and we mingled with each other and with the attorneys. I spoke to a woman in litigation from the DC office for a while, then spoke to another woman who does finance and who is a partner although she worked part-time with kids.

After that, S, A, and I decided to go back to campus to watch the Apprentice. On the way there, we went to a convenience store and bought some beer. I bought some sweet and seltzery vodka drink that comes in little glass bottles that look very girly.

We went to the dorm lounge of A's dorm, which I didn't like because it's extremely smelly. The entire place smell like a bad hotel on a rainy day, clammy and stale and slightly rotten.

S, who has already had quite a few beers and margaritas at that point, downed at least 3 more Sam Adam's, and began, as he always does when he's drunk, to say everything at the top of his lungs. It was amusing. After the Apprentice, we (inexplicably) walked to another liquor store in the area, where S bought more beer and a bottle of wine. We then went to his dorm (because I strongly objected to the smelliness of A's dorm lounge) and hung out in his room.

A showed me his photos from his days as a history PhD candidate at a prominent East Coast Ivy League university. He weighed 240 lbs back then and looked quite different. I was shocked, but hope that I didn't betray that in my expressions.

S, who is really wasted by that point, kept on knocking things over everywhere. He's accident-prone even when he's sober, and now made messes both in the common area of his dorm (spilled lager all over the table) and in his own room (spilled lager on A's coat.)

Around midnight, A and I left S's room. S, at that time, was wearing his military jacket and babbling at the top of his lungs.

Came home and was about to go to sleep when I started chatting with ABS. Yes, the IM is really the bane of my existence. But we had a very interesting discussion about utilitarianism and law. Went to sleep feeling connected and happy.

I actually made it to torts on Friday morning. I'm very proud of myself for that. Neither S nor A made it in spite of the fact that they probably went to sleep 2 hours earlier than me.

S later claimed that he remembers very few events that happened after the Apprentice from that evening.

Friday afternoon, I had a meeting with the public interest office's adviser, who had some good advice and encouraging words for me. I then went to the cafeteria where ABS, JE, S, a 1L from another section named V, and I had a scheduled appointment to play the game Twilight Imperium.

The game lasted way longer than last time, and didn't end until nearly 8:30. Originally, we had planned to have dinner at a Malaysian restaurant that I have become obsessed with in the Square, but decided instead to go straight to IH's party. IH is this guy in our section who is a good friend of me and S, and who is celebrating his 23rd birthday that evening.

The party was pretty great and involved a lot of screwdrivers for me and IH beating the pinata, which contains candies, lots of little bottles of alcohol, and condoms.

A lot of people from our section showed up. J and her husband also made it a little later to the party. Around 11:00, we went out to a bar nearby and hung out there until about 2:00. We decided to leave when S began throwing up outside the bar (yes, it wasn't pretty).

By that point, there was only a few of us left -- IH (the birthday boy), AK, S, N, and some other people that I didn't know as well. We went back to the apartment briefly, then took a cab back to campus where I went home. It was around 3:30 that I went to sleep.

Got up around 9:30 today; had a pleasant lunch with S in the Malaysian restaurant in the Square that we were supposed to have gone to last night, and then went with him to a game store where he bought a game called Illumnati.

Then walked back to campus with him and went to the library and read for an hour, came home, read some more, took a 2-hour nap. Boyfriend came back in the evening. I have been reading crim and trying to figure out the summer job situation tonight.

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