

Thursday is always a long day. I don't get out from class until 7 in the evening, and I usually still have tons of work to do. Today I have to finish revising my memo, which is due tomorrow. So looks like will be another late night for me.

Thursday is not all bad though. After class, it has become a tradition for S, A, and me to have dinner at the law school cafeteria. We then usually hang out a bit, then watch the Apprentice together while drinking various kinds of alcohol. Today I was supposed to supply a bottle of sake, but I got lazy and didn't want to go home to fetch it, so S volunteered his beer and vodka instead. We took the alcohol and went to A's dorm room, where we each had a drink or two while watching the apprentices scurrying to please the boss and The Donald chewing them out. It was a lot of fun.

I also discovered that A has a blog! He apparently has been keeping a diary every since he's a teenager, and now keeps a regular online diary for him and his friends where he keeps a faithful account of what he does every day. I immediately pulled the blog up on my computer, and there it is! I'm mentioned in there by name several times, and so is S.

It's funny to see yourself mentioned in a blog. A's blog doesn't really go into details about me, but just seeing my name there is a little freaky, like being in an alternate universe where you see yourself from a distance, from someone else's perspective.

I have to remind myself not to do anything crazy around A so it doesn't get recorded for all posterity. :)

I didn't tell A or S that I have a blog too. It's my secret.

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