
Iiiiiiiiiii'm Back!

Okay cupcakes, I'm sorry for disappearing lately, swallowed by the black hole known as law school. Everything is good -- have not gone insane with the work yet; First memo and first research assignment have been turned in; I am managing to eat on a regularly basis; sleep 7-8 hours per night; am actually very ahead in my readings for class; Boyfriend and I are slowly adjusting to the new lifestyle... law school, so far, has been kind.

One mid-sized trauma I did have to deal with in the past few days was the realization that in his zeal to clean out our very cluttered N-town apartment, which was also being renovated in the past 2 years or so (don't ask), Boyfriend may have mistakenly thrown out my college desktop. Ouch, I know. It is not entirely his fault, and I am slowly but surely getting over it. But this little occurene definitely made me glad that I have my little online diary here. As I read through my posts for the past few months, I realized how valuable this forum is for me -- to vent, to whine, to make random comments... but more importantly, to memorialize, to hold on to these days which I know will be gone forever before I know it, just like college.

Since nearly every one of my (extremely, extremely small and extremely exclusive -- ha!) readership is a close friend, I don't feel constrained to hold things back. Which is probably why I sound neurotic and silly most of the time. But oh well, I am that way in real life too. :D

So, all this is a long way of saying that I will try not to pull a disappearing act like this anymore, and will try to post on a somewhat regular basis.

And YOU, dear reader. Thanks for reading!

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