

It's Friday night. I'm staying home, listening to Enya, drinking red wine... and reading my criminal law casebook for next week.

Sounds nerdy, huh? In reality, this is basically what I did on Friday nights when I was working, too. It wasn't like Boyfriend and I went to parties or bars all that much. Sometimes we went out to dinner, but that's mainly just because our kitchen was usually too dirty or messy (or being renovated) for us to really properly cook.

We are both kind of anti-social, and find it much more enjoyable to stay home, have some wine, and watch TV. I sometimes read. Sometimes we talked about work. Sometimes I really did work, and on weekends too.

In college I worked much less hard, and slacked off a lot. I think this is why it is good to work for a few years before you go to law school. I would have been shocked at the amount of work involved in law school had I gone straight from undergrad to here. But so far I'm finding the workload surprisingly manageable and even enjoyable. It's certainly not more than working for the little start-up.

If anything, reading about interesting legal theories and rules is more fun than drafting a diplomatic yet firm email to a bothersome client.

Also reading a Guide on searching for public interest jobs published by my law school. The first-person accounts published in the guide are very informative, and I am feeling quite inspired.

This is probably the first day that I really feel that there is a wide range of opportunities open to me after I graduate law school. Perhaps I really can find something that interests me, even something I really believe in.

Looking forward to this weekend. My parents are visiting me in my new apartment, and I am eager to show them my new life. This means, however, that I'm going to read for a while longer tonight because I probably won't get any work done while they are here.

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