
Budding Conservative?

Since arriving at law school, I have found with some dismay that although I have always considered myself a liberal, compared to some of my classmates, my views are actually seem much more conservative. For instance, I don't have the knee-jerk reaction that conservatives are IDIOTS for holding the views they do on abortion, the Iraq war, George W., or policy towards business. Having worked at a start-up, I'm actually quite sympathetic to the interests of business.

I believe the study that shows that liberal and conservatives may differ most in temperament, that the difference in liberals and conservatives is the way they react emotionally to different arguments. This is basically a skeptical stance. I guess what I realized is that I'm not as committed to my liberal ideals as I thought I was.

So anyway, I signed up for the Federalist Society last week, out of curiosity. Let's see how long I can stand it.

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