
The State of Confusion

So, I'm still in the state of confusion. In addition to possibly not working for a firm this summer (a thought that still takes my breath away every time), I am also rethinking my winter semester plans. My original plan was to go to China to do research for Professor F's class. This week, after looking through the course offerings for the winter semester, I'm increasingly wondering that is the right thing to do. So many good classes to take, and will I really do much "research" in China?!?

So today, I went to the registrar's office, asked about the deadline for making my decision, and bid for a few winter courses that looked interesting to me, among them Constitutional Law Theory, Sexual Orientation and the Law, and Law and Psychiatry.

Speaking of course lotteries, I finally bid for 15 classes today, before the deadline. Everything after #9 was pretty random and was chosen in the spirit of "just in case" rather than "omg!" I don't want to bore you all, so let's just say that my top five choices are:

- Regulation as Justice seminar (with Prof R)

- Constitutional Theory lecture for winter (with Professor K and Professor S - the course description said that these two will engage in a "debate" every class, with questions and input from students... sounds cool doesn't it?)

- Legal Theory course with Professors JH and DK

- Local Goernmetn Law

- Theories of Law seminar with Professor RU

Note that the course selection is heavy on theory, with the possible exception of my first choice, which may be part theory part doctrine.

Still thinking about firms... I knew the decision would be agonizing, but I never thought my thoughts are now centering around "to be or not to be?" rather than "S or C?"

BTW, Firm W, which I interviewed with in DC, never called me. I'm a little bummed about that since I really liked them, and since this is the first time a firm called me back but didn't give me an offer (how dare they? hehe...). I guess I'll live, but I am truly sorry that I didn't look into more DC firms earlier...

Told my parents about what I am thinking in terms of the summer and the firm. They are ... surprised, okay more like shocked, but I guess they trust my judgment and would support me in whatever decision I make. God I hope I know what I'm doing...

Went to a panel this evening, with Professor JH giving a really great speech about social psychology and human nature that made me (and ABS) filled with affection for him. (And I'm happy to say, I played a small part in helping him come up with a topic for the speech). At that moment I realized how happy it is that I'm researching for him. No matter how marginalized JH may be, I believe in his project and I really like him as a person.

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