

Well, in case you are wondering, I feel better. Being able to have social interaction helped. Having a ton of work that took my mind off my sorrows helped. Having the most useless office hours ever with Professor F also helped (Never go to a Prof's office hours when you don't know what to say... this is a lesson forever learned - I must have sounded so ditzy and stupid). And finally, tonight I got a nice email from (Ex?-)Boyfriend, which put my mind at ease and made me very relieved. I guess a lot of the anguish came from worrying about him, and now I know that he's okay. So all good, at least relatively speaking.

In other news, however, I am somehow once again more than 100 pages behind in the reading for comparative con law. This is definitive proof, I think, that Professor T is crazy. Nuts. I guess I won't be prepared for class tomorrow, since I also have two reaction papers for the two workshops due in the next two days, and there is just no way.

Tomorrow is Halloween (well, really today, but today is still yesterday since I haven't gone to sleep yet.) I don't have anything that I want to be (or can be without a lot of time investment which I don't have). But might still go to the Halloween party with AC and J.

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