
I'm Back!

I know, I know, I have been totally MIA. Between adjusting to classes, a gazillion organizational meetings, and hanging out with ABS, J, and Boyfriend, every day just somehow seems to slip away without me putting a word down. I do feel guilty. So here I am back again.

Well, I'm a 2L now... how do I feel?

I feel fine, and a lot more relaxed than 1Ls. I remember last year around this time, when classes were just getting started. There was so much uncertainty and anxiety about classes and classmates and meeting people and "doing the right things." Now, I'm just a lot more relaxed about everything. I am not jaded. In fact I am very excited about the courses I'm taking this semester. Thank God we don't have those mandatory 1L classes and can instead take what interests us! In my case, this includes a lot of policy and comparative law courses. For J, it means copyright, secured transaction, and human rights stuff. For many others, it means trial advocacy courses where they spend 7 (!) hours a day learning about how to be a "real" lawyer. I really want to do that next semester too.

In terms of extracurriculars, upon reflection, I realized that I didn't really enjoy either of my two "main" activities last year, and therefore I am jettisoning both of them! Yay! Nothing wrong with them. In fact I know a ton of people in both orgs who really love the activities, but for whatever reason they just didn't click with me. Instead, I am trying out a couple of other campus activities. One is a relatively newly formed liberal organization (formed explicitly to counter the very influential conservative studetn organization on campus) that brings in speakers and discusses public policy. They are launching a new journal this year, and I volunteered to be an articles editor, and just got assigned to an article on constitutional law last week. It's a bit scary since I am only just now taking con law, but no matter!

I am also a nonresidential law tutor for one of the undergraduate dormitories here, where ABS is a residential tutor and in fact hooked me up with the sweet job. I get 5 free meals a week at the house in exchange for doling out advice and general support about law school. So far, I have met one of my advisees (I have a total of two) and he seems nice, if a bit lost about the whole law school application process. I have also just been hanging out a lot with ABS and his cat in his nice suite in the dorms (which is a convenient 7-minute walk from my apartment).

Oh, I am also researching for a professor here who is an expert in legal history. He seems nice, and the work seems light... we will see how that goes.

So, this is how I spend my days. My life is still in a bt of flux right now, especially since today our career services office posted the interview schedules for Fall On-Campus Interview. I bid for a total of 37 firms (mainly because I didn't know too much about them and just kind of went down the rankings... I know, it's the worst way of doing these things.) In any case, I now have 25 interviews scheduled over the next 3 weeks. Yikes!

:D beautiful summer weather today. Cute con law prof!
:( 70 pages of reading for comparative con law for tomorrow's class.

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