

Today a man accused of child molestation was found guilty by 12 jurors on all counts. He is going to go away for a long, long time.

Today one of the attorneys from my office, KS, took me to the FBI building, where I saw for the first time an FBI agent performing a lie detector test. It was a very interesting experience. The agent was very charming, very authoritative, and I seriously felt that if it was me in the room, I would have told the truth immediately.

Today I submitted my course selection once again, before this Friday when the bids are all due. I won't bore you with the details once again. My top three choices are: citizenship seminar, comparative con law, and globalization of law in historical perspective. ABS commented that my course selection looks very international law and comparative law heavy.

Today I did nearly no work, once again. Between the polygraph test (4 hours) and the verdict (1 hour) I was only able to squeeze in a little bit of research and some scanning.

Today I feel slightly depressed. Perhaps it's realizing that my summer internship has only 3.5 weeks left, and that I will miss here a lot. Perhaps it's seeing so many life-changing decisions being made every day where you really get a sense of how quickly someone's life can go down the drains. Perhaps it's feeling the gravity of the decisions I'll have to make in the months ahead. What firm do I want to interview with? What kind of job do I want? This summer, after all, is just a stopping place. I thought I was sick of N-Town when I left. I never thought that I would become so fond of it again, and so filled with regret that I will leave soon.

Perhaps it's a bit early for retrospectives, but this summer I got a lot more excited about practicing law, and about associating with other lawyers. I feel pretty good that our judicial system is being run by this group of dedicated, good-hearted, (perhaps a little too morally extremely but really doing their best) and multi-talented practitioners.

:( Feeling suddenly as if the summer is about to end.

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