
Some Photos from the North

Here are some photos I took last weekend in the countryside in Vermont.

I loved the chickens roaming free on the farm. They are always looking for food and follow people around, and they seem so happy.
More chickens

A little country inn we passed by. We were tempted to stay there, but already had reservations elsewhere
Country Inn

Sitting in the sun room in the afternoon with a glass of raspberry wine, reading David Sedaris. Heaven.

A new friend peeks out!
Old Friend

This is where we stayed: a little B&B on a farm overlooking a hill...
Farm on a Hill

... and very aptly named.
Signs II

Evening falls from the air...

Bath by the window.
Bath by the Window

Northern trees.

Bridge over a stream in the woods. The water was calm.

Moose country.
Moose Country

Poetry walk. We are in Frost Country.
Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening

A little waterfall.

Whose woods these are I think I know...

1 comment:

With Love, Fat Girl said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures. I've always wanted to go to Vermont, and seeing these just makes me want to go all the more.

Good luck with school, and great blog. I'll be coming back.