

I am paranoid about how people at work think about me. I wonder if they all think that I'm ditzy and dumb.

Since beginning this job, I realized that law school doesn't really teach you very much practical things, like how to write a motion, or how to do actual research. From my conversation with ABS, he has the same impression. We are both concerned that we seem so clueless in our respective jobs, and that other people, even people from the same law school as we do, seem to know much more about these "practical" things like civil procedure than we do.

ABS said that he's annoyed at our civ pro professor, because apparently, we didn't learn anything useful in that class, like venue and class action suits. I'm mostly annoyed because we didn't learn anything from our lawyering classes. The type of research and the kind of "memos" we had to write for lawyering are completely different from the stuff we actually had to write in reality. Real lawyers apparently don't have time to read through long memos in the format of CRuPAC (Conclusion-Rule-Proof-Application-Conclusion). Most of the time they just want some cases that are on point.

Speaking of cases that are on point, today was a horrible day for research assignments. I got an assignment yesterday that seemed very simple, but whcih turned out to be a nightmare. When I tried to find relevant cases, no matter how hard I tried, i could not find anything that was exactly on point. After nearly two full days of work (I even skipped my lunch hour today to focus on this assignment) I had to admit defeat and wrote a memo to the assigning attorney (who is actually my freshman counselor -- something that increased my embarrassment) that I couldn't find anything. Now I'm terrified that he thinks I'm stupid. Argh.

:( Lack of knowledge about apparently basic legal skills.
:D Boyfriend's yummy dinner this evening.

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