
Formal Wear

One thing I don't like about working is how you have to dress up every day. Unlike the other two offices in the state, my office requires professional wear. Every day.

The men take it in strides, because I think men's formal wear is about 1,000 times more comfortable than women's. Perhaps the only thing men have to wear that even approaches the discomfort women have to suffer through is their tie. Boo-hoo. Women in comparison have to wear heels, stockings, a narrowly tailored skirt that makes it hard to walk, skirt that hug too tightly after you've eaten lunch and are bloated, shirts that bunch up inside your suit...

Speaking of shirts, this weekend I went shopping and got a whole bunch of silk shirts that at least are a joy to wear. Sadly, I was not so lucky with shoes. To this date, I'm not able to find a pair of formal heels that do not create huge blisters on my feet.

Some of the girl interns are rather lax on the definition of "formal." One girl did not wear a suit to work today, but just a blouse and a skirt. Another girl refused to wear high heels and instead wears comfy flats. I wore a pair of heels today that look very good but hurt my feet like hell. Perhaps I'll try to be a bit lax tomorrow too.

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