
Overheard in Property

My property professor looks like a Dilbert cartoon -- all squares and circles in his face and a bit nerdy. He also mumbles a lot and is not terribly expressive. So who would have thought that he would be so damned witty?

The past two weeks haev been particularly good classes for quotes. So I am collecting some of his more memorable ones below (my classmates helped collect most of these.)

Professor: "What if a state court said, 'We don't like due process much, so all these things that used to be called property are now called schmoperty?'"

Professor, on organ donation: "A brain donation would be the most--you can't even, well, think about it."

Professor, telling us about a barber who sold Lance Armstrong's hair: "If I were Armstrong, I'd be creeped out by that. I just felt the need to interject that. Oh, there are no more hands anymore."

Student: "If I cut off my finger, I can put it in my freezer."
Professor: "Put it in soup or something."

Professor: "Maybe it would be different if the mail was more like Harry Potter, and it sort of flew in and started screaming."

Professor: "That's the only data point we have. That gopher flushing is not beneficial."

I, along with 95% of my classmates, love property class.

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