
Hopefully Not Sick, Definitely Addicted

For the past two days, I have been waking up with a sore throat. It goes away about 20 minutes after I get up. Still, I'm worried that I may be coming down with something.

I got the security clearance forms from my summer employer today. I have to go down to the local precinct to get my fingerprints taken! Fun. The forms themselves (there are seven or eight of them) are also quite long, and require a lot of info. Harder than applying to law school! Well okay, maybe not quite as hard...

I am falling behind on my contracts reading, mainly because since the professor talks about logic and not contracts every day anyway it all feels kind of pointless. Still it's not good to fall behind too much even if we don't end up discussing anything interesting in class.

Property and tax are as interesting as ever though. In property we are now talking about property rights issues with web domain names. Really really interesting stuff. In tax we are discussing illegal income and whether they are taxable, which is actually pretty relevant to our Ames court research this semester.

One huge impediment to my doing work for the past week or so has been the Olympics, which is absolutely mesmerizing. I would turn the TV on, promise myself that I would read with the TV in the background, and just start watching and can't staop. Whatever it is, you name it: curling, luge, bobsled, speedskating, ice dancing... I will just watch and watch until it's midnight and I have done no work. I console myself with the thought that in a week I will have a ton of free time to catch up with what will be a mountain of reading.

Must watch the finals for figure skating now! And read contracts!

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