
Last Day of Class

Had our last contracts class today, and last class ever for our 1L year. A bit of an anticlimax, except for the very memorable 30 seconds where our contracts professor actually WALKED ON HIS HANDS for us. It was pretty cool, and made me like him a lot more. We all applauded and whistled. Law School can be so weird sometimes.

Well, right now I feel too stressed to be sentimental.

It's Friday night and I'm doing TAX. I know, I'm not happy about this, but 1 1/2 weeks more and I'll be done with my 1L year, and the thought scares me.

The student coop outside has a very noisy party, with loud dance music, and people screaming. I guess everyone is happy that school is done and the weather is gorgeous. Summer is in the air today. 80 degrees, sunny skies, and the air smells like flowers and grass. In the afternoon ABS and I sat ourside while I completed my financial aid forms. We had Japanese food in the evening, and afterwards I came home and subjected myself to tax and other people's wild evenings.

They are playing a lot of Madonna songs. This is like the fourth one in an hour, and people are singing it, rather, screaming it together. Man, I hope I wasn't as obnoxious in college, but I probably was.

:D Classes over?
:( Classes over?

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