
O the Absurdities of Law School

This morning, randomly remembered this funny scene from the Parody:

[After law students woke up and found themselves on a desert island, they began debating what they should do first: finding water, or drafting a constitution?]

[Suddenly, a silver-haired professor appeared carrying stone tablets. It's Professor F., a very famous conservative professor at the school. Some law students (namely those in suits and ties and wanted to draft a constitution first) immediately ran over and knelt down before him. Prof F began giving his commandments.]

[I can only remember a couple of them:]

"Thou shall talk about the exam immediately upon its completion, and point out all the issues that others missed, and thou saw!"

"Thou shall advance the theory that there is no correlation between knowledge and grades, if thou did poorly on an exam, but if thou received a good grade, thou shall speak of how thou want to become a - PROFESSOR!"

[And finally, my favorite one:]

"Thou shall, in the fairest month of May, spend 14-16 hours a day for a week writing a case note and subciting an article, neither of which will be ever published, the reward of which is... MORE SUBCITING!"

:D Getting up relatively early. Interesting article on wrongful death in the NYT. Future research project?
:( Have to read a week's worth of tax now.

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