
Further Observations

- For a northern city, Montreal sure is not any cooler than anywhere I've been lately.

- Underground city is AWESOME. It's like a gigantic maze - I have never seen anything like it. Boyfriend and I spent hours wading around it and exploring. There were many times when we ended up at narrow deserted corridors that seemed to lead into deadends, but there was ALWAYS a door on the other side. It was so much fun. I would love to be back in the winter here.

- People here don't seem to value river-front property as much as in the States. All the houses that we have seen so far on the river bank have not been that nice.

- Ugly industrial parts around the city.

- Horse-drawn carriages smell kind of bad. I've never understood their attraction.

- Many little coffee shops here giving Starbucks a run for its money.

- Lots and lots and lots of Greek restaurants here. I wonder why...?

- Have not grown tired of hearing French yet.

More observations (and perhaps photos) to come tomorrow. Too tired tonight to upload them.

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