
Busy Busy Busy

So busy I can hardly believe it.

To prepare for my trip tomorrow, I worked nonstop today and only now got a moment to breathe. Exhausted, but tomorrow will be another insane day.

So far, I have 15 interviews scheduled for my trip to, um, C-town. The entire day of Friday will be used for interviewing – from 9 to 7, one every hour. There are another 4 on Saturday. Then, I have to meet with one of the interviewees from last time when I was in town and go over some stuff with her before we formally hire her as a part-time facilitator for us. This includes training her a little bit and going over some employment details – fun fun fun.

Then, coffee with yet another employee-hopeful whom I didn’t get to meet last time I was up north.

Then, perhaps I’m being a bit too ambitious, but I am planning to look for some apartments also and to put flyers up around the various campus around C-town.

Yes, the next few days are going to be looooong days.

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