
Another Blast from the Past

And this one was a shocker. I just got a Friendster request from a boy I used to know in middle school. (Yes, I’m on Friendster… I know, how clichéd. But I tracked down a lot of my old friends and acquaintances this way.) We actually “went out” during 7th grade, and went to a class dance together. I still have the photos – his sister lent me a pink lace dress, and he gave me a huge corsage… ahhh… memories…

But anyway, back to this boy, M. I always remembered M as kind of plump and a little dorky in middle school. He had dark hair, wore vests to school, and was very short. He was very sweet though, and had brilliant blue eyes, and my best friend C also had a crush on him.

So imagine my surprise when I went to M’s Friendster profile to check him out and found out that not only is he HOT now, he’s an actor, and he’s gay!

Think wet curly hair, intense blue eyes, a slight pout, and a 5-o’clock shadow. Think young Harrison Ford crossed with Orlando Bloom.

So, my slightly dorky first boyfriend has now turned into Mr. Adonis with a Hollywood dream. Wish him luck!

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